Why I Need to Write

detail-of-white-horse-head-with-long-eye-lashesIt has been a while since I have written anything of meaning.  And, yet, I have so much to say, so many things that swirl around inside of me.  Visions, thoughts, images, many of which I have had for decades …. waiting to be expressed.

Many of these I keep to myself.  I’ve always thought of them to be private, confidential, perhaps too oddly intimate to be shared.  In my mind, they are a swirl of a vision and a short poem, thought sequence or story.  They stay vivid in my mind, indelible.  But they cry and demand to come out, to be brought to light, to be painted.  Seemingly alive themselves, created for a reason that is a mystery to me, but known to my deeper being.

– Written May 2013

One response to “Why I Need to Write

  1. Reblogged this on Doug's Writings, Musings and Art and commented:
    Thank you! I’ve been writing for a bit now and have surpassed a 100 followers. Really? Why would you want to read anything that I have to say? But I am humbled and appreciative. I feel like I’ve gotten to know a few of you and it is wonderful to be part of such a supportive creative community. Quite honestly, it is quite a contrast to my normal day-to-day existence. The other thing is that I am completely blown away by your talent – your poetry, your artwork and photography, your passions (expressed in many forms). Many of you are just flat out brilliant and I am honored to have some connection to you, even if it is just virtual. Thank you for reading what I have to say. I’m proud of some of what I’ve written. Other times, I catch myself and just have to say “I can do better than that.” When I’m at my best, I feel like the words just kind of roll out of my soul and they can be kind of lyrical. But that doesn’t happen all that often. I have to really feel it and be inspired. Most importantly, you inspire me. So thank you again. Love, Doug

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